NSW Aboriginal Land Council

The following is general advice only and should not be considered a replacement for specialist advice on the Act, which may be necessary depending on individual council circumstances.  Initial sources of specialist advice may include the Office of the Registrar of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, or Aboriginal Affairs NSW.

  • It is in the interests of councils to form productive working relationships with Aboriginal communities to develop joint approaches to the exercise of council responsibilities and service delivery
  • LALCs generally hold Aboriginal land in freehold.
  • Land held by Aboriginal Land Councils and not used for residential or commercial purposes or that is culturally significant may be exempted from rates and charges.
  • Councils have the same service provision responsibilities to people residing on Aboriginal land as they do to other residents.
  • The Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 differs, in fundamental respects from Commonwealth Native Title legislation and from other State level land rights legislation, such as the Northern Territory’s Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976.
  • Councils have a critical role to play in working with Aboriginal communities in the protection of culture and heritage. This is an important part of developing sustainable local communities.